Monday, September 30, 2013

Allemandsliv, art installation, Hvidovrevejs Butikstorv, artist Karoline H Larsen
(pls. scroll for english)
Du er inviteret til at besøge - Fra ingenmandsland til allemandsliv - en midlertidig udendørs kunstinstallation. 
Alle kan prøve efterligne, klatre og bevæge sig gennem de 12 Kropspiktogrammer langs Hvidovrevejs Butikstorv, Hvidovrevej 178-180, Hvidovre, fra 7.september til 17.november 2013. Hvis du ønsker at poste fotos af dine udtryk, venligst post indlæg på kunstnerens facebook-profil: Karoline H Larsen eller anvend Hashtags #BodyPictograms #Allemandsliv. 
Tak og god fornøjelse!

You are invited to visit - From no man's land to all human's life - a temporary outdoor art installation. Everyone can try mimic, climb and move through the 12 Body Pictograms along the Hvidovrevejs Butikstorv, Hvidovrevej 178-180, Hvidovre. If you want to post photos of your expressions, please post messages on the artist's facebook profile: Karoline H Larsen or use Hashtags #BodyPictograms #Allemandsliv.

Thanks and enjoy!

From "no man's land to all humans' life" opens in Vestegnens Culture Week - open all day to the public for 10 weeks from 7 September till 17 November 2013 - in particular with event-sequence along the Hvidovrevejs Shopping Center for kindergardens and school classes.

On this blog you can view the proces of the making of From No Man's land to all human's life - a collaboration between artist Karoline H Larsen/Creative Actions, Hvidovre Production School and Hvidovre Municipality in connection to Vestegnens KulturugeThe art production took place in spring time on Hvidovre Production School in close collaboration with artist Karoline H. Larsen after her concept across the different faculties, teachers and students from 9 production departments e.g wood work, metal work, pedagogical line I+II, media-based, creative design department. 

Allemandsliv, art installation, Hvidovrevejs Butikstorv, artist and photographer Karoline H Larsen
Allemandsliv, Hvidovrevejs Butikstorv, artist and photographer Karoline H Larsen
Allemandsliv, art installation, Hvidovrevejs Butikstorv, artist Karoline H Larsen, photographer Dorte Størup
Allemandsliv, Hvidovrevejs Butikstorv, artist Karoline H Larsen, photographer Dorte Størup
Allemandsliv, art installation, artist Karoline H Larsen, photographer Dorte Storup
Allemandsliv, art installation, Hvidovrevejs Butikstorv, artist Karoline H Larsen, photographer Dorte Størup 

"Street Life" - Youth in Action project.

The students from Hvidovre Production School took the documentation of the work on "Allemandsliv" (collaboration with artist karoline H. Larsen, Hvidovre Municipal and Arts Council Denmark) and showed it as part of the "Street Life" -Youth in Action project. Here they showed how they had been working on invigorating the grey building in our neighborhood - Along with the artist Karoline H. Larsen they students produced banners, sign boards and benches, and got the permission to hang it on the building for 10 weeks. For the opening they invited a nursery out to play with the shapes of the boards. They met a lot of neighbors who was very happy with the colorful result. 

The journey to Slovenia resulted in a lot of good comradeship across nations, great workshops with graphiti painting, music and confronting people on the streets. When the students got home they made a lecture on the journey and evaluated, how they could use the experience from working with "street Life" in Ljubljana, for their further work with the installation "Allemandsliv" in Denmark.

D'Kreative Hus beklæder Kropsskiltene med mega pailetter.
Pædagog/Medielinien og D'Kreative Hus spraymaler Kropsskiltene.

Pædagog/Medielinien og D'Kreative Hus maler Kropsskiltene...

4. D'Kreative Hus og Pædagoglinien færdiggjorde så udskæringerne ved at male grundfarver på dem.


3. Træ værkstedet skar billederne ud i træ.

2. Mediehuset skar billederne ud i photoshop og printede dem ud på store plot-prints.


1. Pædagog værkstedet og STU værkstedet startede med at forme kropsskilte.